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Note: this article was previously part of our Medium publication. Please forgive any formatting oddities that may exist.

Read new publication about @Stake: “Civic Creativity: Role-Playing Games in Deliberative Process”

Monday, November 20, 2017

Eric Gordon, Executive Director of the Engagement Lab and Professor at Emerson College, and Becky Michelson, Project Manager at the Engagement Lab, have published a new article about @Stake with Jason Haas, MIT Media Lab, in the International Journal of Communication.

@Stake is a digital multiplayer role playing game that fosters creativity and empathy in small group deliberation that was designed and created by the Engagement Lab. Through their research, Gordon, Michelson and Haas found that @Stake enhanced what they call civic creativity — or the generation and sharing of new ideas within peer groups. They suggest that role playing games are particularly suited for this outcome within civic processes.

You can read the full article here and play the mobile version of @Stake here.